Friday, December 3, 2010

A Raw Nerve

Over the last few days I have noticed a FB phenomenon going around wherein  FB users are encouraged to change their profile picture to a cartoon character in support of Child Abuse Prevention.  Seems like a decent thing to do.  I mean, who doesn't want to stand up and speak out against Child Abuse?  No parent that I know would ever condone child abuse in any way, shape or form.  If they do - well, I will report it if I am aware of it.  So it's best not to call your child "retarded", "stupid", "moron" or any other derogatory name in my presence.  Also, hitting (short of spanking which I equally consider deplorable) any part of a child's body other than a patoot with any other object or body part other than an open hand will also find you on the end of a phone call to the authorities.  Why?  Because I'm a bitch like that.  I digress... I'm thrilled that for several days my friends etc. raise awareness of this crime.  Kids are innocent little people that learn from us behavior that will carry them through life.  In turn, our legacy lives on and on and on.  Changing your pic isn't enough. (but a good start!)

I joke that I had 2 childhoods.  One was a blessing from God.  The other was a hellish nightmare that has plagued me in all aspects of my life since I was 7.  Without going into great detail I am the victim of severe child abuse.  Tied to chairs, denied food, belts, punches, neglect, demeaning/degrading, sexual abuse... It wasn't anything like Trudy Chase or Dave Pelzer but it did result in a prison sentence for 1 man, the removal of my sisters and I from the custody of our biological mother, physical and emotional scars and my adoption at the age of 14 by my maternal grandparents.  All could have been prevented had a little work been done.  Don't just change your profile pic.  Educate yourself on this subject.  Get to know signs.  Parents going through difficult times are likely to take things out on their kids.  If you know someone going through a major stressor (divorce, unemployment etc) and they have kids - check up on them.  Better those parents vent on you then on the children.

So please, in addition to changing your profile pic take 10 minutes to look at this: and  Also, check your local sheriff's department's website for links to the sex offender registry.  Know who is looking at your kids at home, at grandma's, at daddy's, at their best friends house.  Don't post pics of the outside of your house online and be picky about what pics you post of the inside.  Or mention where your children go to school.  Or what parks you frequent.  Know who you and your kids friend online.  It's amazing what you can get in a few clicks of a mouse.  Sometimes I know I sound like an overprotective freak.  That's okay with me though because my kids are worth it.  So are yours.

1 comment:

  1. i am sorry you had to go through all that!!i am glad you brought that to my attention. i know i often post pics and stuff and usually without thought cause i want to share with distant family members and all but i am going to change some stuff right now. my kids are more then worth it as well!! thanks!
